FTP Voyager and Serv-U

FTP Voyager and Serv-U together provide extended features not found in any other FTP client and server! By recoginizing Serv-U, FTP Voyager uses special commands to enhance your FTP experience.

Real-time Compression
Need to get more performance on your uploads and downloads? Serv-U supports on-the-fly data compression which can improve the transfer rates on many files by over 50%!

XCRC Support

Nothing's worse than successfully completing the download of a file from a server that doesn't work! It forces you to begin the arduous process of figuring out if the download was corrupted or if the source file has a problem. With XCRC command support, you can quickly verify that the file you downloaded/uploaded is identical to the source file.

Accurate Time and Date Stamping
When a file is uploaded through an FTP client, the time and date are usually set to the time of the upload, permanently erasing the correct time and date. When you use FTP Voyager to transfer files to Serv-U, the local time and date stamp are automatically retained.

Status of Server-to-Server Transfers
Server-to-server transfer (FXP) is a great feature of the FTP protocol, but standard FTP client-server connections are unable to display the status of FXP. With FTP Voyager and Serv-U 2.4b or higher, you'll see the detailed status of FXP.

Extended Directory Listings
Most UNIX style servers don't show the times of files older than 6 months. When FTP Voyager is connected to Serv-U, you'll automatically get the complete and accurate date and time for every file.

Password Encryption
The most sensitive data you'll ever transfer during an FTP session is your password. Doesn't it make sense that this should be the most secure? Serv-U and FTP Voyager use S/KEY password encryption that ensures your password is transferred in an encrypted and secure state.

Change Server Passwords
When using FTP Voyager to connect to Serv-U, you may * have the ability to change your account password!